Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Author Clare Willis Interview and Contest 12/7 - at BittenByBooks!

“Sunni Marquette has always been a little different. There’s the whole mind-reading thing, for a start, which comes in useful for a criminal defense attorney. Except that lately, Sunni keeps encountering people who are immune to her gift. Like Jacob Eddington, the star witness in her latest case. And her best friend Isabel’s new fiance, Richard Lazarus, who’s as sinister as Jacob is attractive. Not that Sunni intends to interfere - until she learns that Richard is a vampire who’s made a centuries-long career of marrying wealthy women, then killing them for their inheritance. Sunni is convinced Jacob is a vampire, too, and that he’s her only chance of saving Isabel. With his help, she’ll discover powers she never knew she possessed, an enemy who’s closer than she could have ever guessed, and the kind of love that’s worth staking everything on - if she can just stay alive long enough to enjoy it…”
1 - $50 Electronic gift certificate to Amazon
10 copies of my books (the readers’ choice of any of her 3 books)
Join me at BittenByBooks  on 12/7 with author Clare Willis for a release party, chat and contest.

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