Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Author Cheyenne McCray Release Party and Contest 12/1 -at BittenByBooks!re!

Vampire attacks are on the rise in the city that never sleeps. So why is half-human, half-Drow private eye Nyx tracking down Sprites? Sure, these 'young bloods' are causing mischief all over town - like painting the Statue of Liberty's toenails neon pink. But it's not until Nyx finds herself at the Pit, Manhattan's hottest nightclub for paranorms, that she understands what she's really up against.

Seems Master Vampire Volod has a plan - and the Sprites are in on it. By targeting the weaknesses of every paranorm in the city, from Elves to Shifters to Zombies, Volod and his fang gang aim to rule the night once and for all. Over Nyx's dead body. She loves a good challenge - and she will seduce danger at every turn to throw Volod off course. It's time for Nyx to enter the beating heart of this dark conspiracy,before driving a stake through it.

1 - $50 Electronic gift certificate to Amazon
2 each $25 Electronic gift certificate to Amazon
10 - Copies of 
No Werewolves Allowed13 Winners

Come by BittenByBooks and check out the newest book in this fascinating series!

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