Friday, January 7, 2011

Winter's Passage (A Novella) by Julie Kagawa

Title: Winter's Passage
Author: Julie Kagawa
Genre: Young Adult
Rating: * * * * 1/2
Publishers Date: 06/01/2010
E-Book: 52 pages
Publisher: Harlequin Teen
ISBN: 9781426858321
FTC Disclosure: Net Galley

Meghan Chase used to be an ordinary girl...until she discovered that she is really a faery princess. After escaping from the clutches of the deadly Iron fey, Meghan must follow through on her promise to return to the equally dangerous Winter Court with her forbidden love, Prince Ash. But first, Meghan has one request: that they visit Puck-Meghan's best friend and servant of her father, King Oberon-who was gravely injured defending Meghan from the Iron Fey.
Yet Meghan and Ash's detour does not go unnoticed. They have caught the attention of an ancient, powerful hunter-a foe that even Ash may not be able to defeat....

While I merely enjoyed “The Iron King”, I loved “Winter’s Passage”. Kagawa has a descriptive voice that makes visualizing the world of the fae easy as pie.  This story was very action driven and did not let up for a minute. You are drawn in with the first page and then shattered when it ends so abrupt. Luckily, I have “The Iron Daughter” on hand to start immediately. Ash became a much more likeable character as you see him fighting his feelings for Meghan. Though he is determined to keep his word and deliver Meghan to his Queen Mab, even if it means Meghan’s death, you can tell that he’s torn about this decision. I expect when the actual time arrives to do this he will be unable to wholly comply. 


  1. I wish they would have it in a traditional book version. I like bring old-fashinoed, and having a real book with real paper in my hands. But I'm excited for the release! I'm hoping they'll make a movie version of the series, but on the other hand, I'm not since it might cause some drama with who should portray the characters and all. You know, the usual with books becoming into movies. (:


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