Sunday, August 1, 2010

Vamps by Nancy A. Collins

Title: Vamps
Author: Nancy A Collins
Genre: YA
Rating: * * * *
Publish Date: July 22, 2008
Paperback: 256 pages
Publisher: HarperTeen
ISBN: 0061349178
FTC Disclosure: Mine

When the sun goes down, New York's true elite all head to one place: Bathory Academy, where the young ladies of the finest vampire families are trained in shapeshifting and luring their prey.
Bathory's reigning queen, Lilith Todd, is the daughter of a powerful vampire businessman, and she knows exactly what she wants from life. She wants to look beautiful for eternity and party till the sun comes up with her gorgeous boyfriend, Jules. And she doesn't want any New Blood upstarts standing in her way.
Enter Cally Monture, an unexpected threat from a trash zip code. When their first meeting leads to tragic results, Lilith is hungry for revenge.

This was a totally fun read. It was quick and action packed. It really  seemed as though I spent hardly any time reading it. I loved the world that Collins developed and the only draw back I had at all was that there were only three books out in this series. Have done quite a bit of checking and only saw one fan site that said there might be a book 4. The girls in the Academy reminded me a lot of the 90210 group. A lot of petty girl stuff that I usually  don't like but really worked in this book.

1. Vamps (2008)

1 comment:

  1. Cool.Is this actually a series? So I would have another series to collect after this. Nice review ;p


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