Monday, January 3, 2011

Secret Society by Tom Dolby


Title: Secret Society 
Author: Tom Dolby
Genre: YA
Rating:  * * * *
Publishers Date: September 29, 2009
Hardback: 352 pages
Publisher: HarperTeen
ISBN: 006172162X
FTC Disclosure: Mine

Secrets, secrets are no fun. Secrets, secrets hurt someone. . . .
An eccentric new girl. A brooding socialite. The scion of one of New York's wealthiest families. A promising filmmaker. As students at the exclusive Chadwick School, Phoebe, Lauren, Nick, and Patch already live in a world most teenagers only dream about.
They didn't ask to be Society members. But when three of them receive a mysterious text message promising success and fame beyond belief, they say yes to everything—even to the harrowing initiation ceremony in a gritty warehouse downtown and to the ankh-shaped tattoo they're forced to get on the nape of their necks. Once they're part of the Society, things begin falling into place for them. Week after week, their ambitions are fulfilled. It's all perfect—until a body is found in Central Park with no distinguishing marks except for an ankh-shaped tattoo.

First of all I’m already dying to read the sequel, “The Trust” though it won’t be out until Feb 2011. The ending of this book was awesome. At times I thought the story dragged on a bit but once it got going, I could not put it down. The joining of the secret society was not as much an invitation as a command.  I loved the whole concept of the "Secret Society", that these teens were participating in whether they wanted to or not. I suspect that many of the items they were given and their homes were bugged as the Society knew so many of their likes and dislikes.  It was interesting to see the maneuverings of the Society as they virtually take over the lives of the privileged chosen ones.
The development of the characters was fascinating and very three dimensional as was the mystery of the Society itself. Unfortunately, (only because we have to wait till Feb ) by the end of the book you’ll have many more questions than answers. The romance in the book was so much more believable than we usually get in a YA book. It grew very slowly between Nick and Phoebe. And the confusion was so real that it was palpable. I liked that the 4 main characters questioned the success that came their way because of their elite membership in the Society rather than blithely accepting it. I’ve got to admit, I thought (why, I don’t know) that this secret society would have something to do with being immortal. Been reading to many paranormals, I guess. While this book may not be THE best one I’ve read this year, it’s in the top numbers and I suspect with the next book, its standing will raise a lot for me.

     Secret Society
1. Secret Society (2009)
2. The Trust (2011)

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