Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Gina Showalter's UNRAVELED

Latest Release: UnraveledUnraveled by Gena Showalter

Latest Release: Unraveled by Gena Showalter

For once, sixteen-year-old Aden Stone has everything he's ever wanted:
A home.
The girl of his dreams.

Too bad he's going to die...

Since coming to Crossroads, Oklahoma, former outcast Aden Stone has been living the good life...
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For once, sixteen-year-old Aden Stone has everything he's ever wanted:
A home.
The girl of his dreams.

Too bad he's going to die...

Since coming to Crossroads, Oklahoma, former outcast Aden Stone has been living the good life. Never mind that one of his best friends is a werewolf, his girlfriend is a vampire princess who hungers for his blood, and he's supposed to be crowned Vampire King - while still a human! Well, kind of. With four - oops, three now - human souls living inside his head, Aden has always been "different" himself. These souls can time travel, raise the dead, possess another's mind, and, his least favorite these days, tell the future. The forecast for Aden? A knife through the heart. Because a war is brewing between the creatures of the dark, and Aden is somehow at the center of it all. But he isn't about to lie down and accept his destiny without a fight. Not when his new friends have his back, not when Victoria has risked her own future to be with him, and not when he has a reason to live for the first time in his life... READ THE FIRST CHAPTER here

1 comment:

  1. I'm excited to read this series. I've read her Lords of the Underworld and love her style of writing, so I can't wait to see what she does with YA. Looking forward to your review!


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