Friday, August 6, 2010


Tom Dolby

Book Beginnings on Friday is a meme hosted by Becky at Page Turners. Anyone can participate; just share the opening sentence of your current read, making sure that you include the title and author so others know what you're reading. Click here to see what Becky is reading. Oops, she is without internet this week.
If you like, share with everyone why you do, or do not, like the sentence. (Thanks to Rose City Reader for inspiring this meme)
Even the most seasoned walkers through Manhattan's Central Park often miss Cleopatra's Needle.
Doesn't exactly reach right out and grab you. Now me, I'd have used sentence 4 or 5.
At the base of the granite obelisk (Cleopatra's Needle) was the body of a young man, lying among the dead leaves and candy bar wrappers. The figure was naked except for a pair of white cotton briefs (whitey tighties).
Now this sentence would have grabbed me. Although, on second thought, being an avid JD Robb (Eve Dallas) fan this would be more appropriate an opening for one of her books. Okay we'll go with Tom's opening, which I love (smiling brightly). So far I'm on page 279 so should finish it tonight. This book has been fast paced and kept me reading so lets see what the end brings. Also I saw that "The Trust", the sequel to  Secret Society  comes out in Feb 2011.
(book blurb)

Secrets, secrets are no fun.

Secrets, secrets hurt someone…
An eccentric new girl. A brooding socialite. The scion of one of New York’s wealthiest families. A promising filmmaker. As students at the exclusive Chadwick School, Phoebe, Lauren, Nick, and Patch already live in a world most teenagers only dream about.
They didn’t ask to be Society members. But when three of them receive a mysterious text message promising success and fame beyond belief, they say yes to everything. Even to the harrowing initiation ceremony in a gritty warehouse downtown, and to the ankh-shaped tattoo they’re forced to get on the nape of their necks.
Once they’re part of the Society, things begin falling into place for them. Week after week, their ambitions are fulfilled. It’s all perfect—until a body is found in Central Park with no distinguishing marks except for an ankh-shaped tattoo.
Tom Dolby makes his teen fiction debut with this riveting novel about a dangerous Society so secret that once you get in, you can never get out.

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