Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Frostfire, Kyndred book 3 by Lynn Viehl

Although Lynn Viehl's newest Darkyn/Kyndred book won't be out until Jan 2011, I just had to post her new cover. For any of you who have missed this great series, if you like a new and wonderfully, twisty,  imaginative take on the same old, same old vampire theme, check this wonderful paranormal romance series out.  I seldom read the new book in a series as soon as it comes out as I hate the yearly wait on the next book (I prefer to read my series books in batches of 3-8 at a time) but this series is one of my exceptions. I rated all the books in this series as 4* to 5* and have seriously been contemplating rereading them before January. Again, this is something I just don't do. But only because there are sooo many great books sitting on my TBR shelf right now calling to me. 

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