Tuesday, July 20, 2010


Since I have been away for the last week due to a death in our family I will extend my Blogaversity/Birthday, 100 Followers Contest till July 31. To check out the books I'm giving away click HERE and fill out form for contest. To all of you who send condolences on the passing of the patriarch of our family, thanks so much. 


  1. thinking of you and my heart goes out to you and your family. Keep strong and sending you lots of positive karma your way.

  2. I'm so sorry for your loss ♥


This blog is now officially declared an Award Free zone! I do appreciate your kindness in thinking of me and I am humbled by your generosity. Your comments are award enough for me. Comment away!
Sorry, but because of those nasty spammers I no longer allow Anonymous Users. AU if have comments come out of the dark and stand up and say it instead of hiding behind AU.