Thursday, June 17, 2010

Her Vampire Husband by Michele Hauf

Title: Her Vampire Husband
Author: Michele Hauf
Genre: Paranormal Romance
Rating: * * * * 1/2
Publishers Date: 6/10/2010
Paperback: 357 pages
Publisher: HQN Books; (April 1, 2010)
ISBN: 0373774990
FTC Disclosure: Got from PBS

She may resist his bite, but she can't resist his charms…
Werewolf princess Blu Masterson won't allow her seductive vampire husband to consummate their marriage with his bite, marking her forever. Alone in a secluded estate with her sworn enemy, Blu curses the marriage arranged to bring their rival nations together, especially since Creed Saint-Pierre calls out to her most feral desires.

When Blu uncovers her pack's secret plot to destroy the vampire nation—and Creed—she is forced to confront her growing feelings for her sexy undead husband. Will she choose the only life she's ever known or accept his vampire bite?

Well, what can I say other than I loved it. This is the type of book that had me embracing the genre. As much as I read UF, it doesn't hold a candle to a good Paranormal Romance. Best of all, we get vampire and werewolves in one book--a double treat. It has all the fixings of a great romance, a contracted marriage where they both hate the sight of the other. But soon they realize that there's more to the other guy than those preconceived ideas and prejudices they were brought up with. And hey, when one of those is over 900 years old, you got some deep rooted prejudices. 


  1. Oh this looks like a good one! Added to my TBR pile, Thanks! ~Mandie

  2. It has been awhile since I have read a book by Michele Hauf. I will purchase this book and any of her other books which I have missed on my next book shopping spree.

  3. It looks like a good book!


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