Friday, June 25, 2010

FIRST CONTEST--100 Followers & Birthday Giveaway- ENDS 7/19

Wow, cannot believe that almost 6 months have passed since I officially started blogging. While only a little bit more HTML savvy (still have the Blogging for Dummies book unopened on my desk), I don't curse and pull my hair out quite as often. My biggest challenge is getting my reviews written in a timely fashion as for some reason I seem to be bogged down reading other blogs. I simply have to limit myself but hey reading your blogs is what got me started and I love to find yet more new ones to read. I must be more disciplined! I could read an extra book every other day if I could just step away from the computer. So anyway, I just want to thank all of you who have stopped by, looked, commented, and followed.  Following will be the only requirement. I will chose using to choose YOU! I have a big (no I'm not saying which) birthday coming in mid July . I'll have at least three winners--1 to celebrate my 1/2 year blogaversity, 1 to celebrate my birthday, and 1 to thank my 100 followers. Should I get a bunch of new followers, I'll add an extra book and winner for each 25. Ends on 7/19-

I'll have a choice of books and let you decide which one you want. First winner gets their choice, second gets theirs and so on. At this time it is USA only as I only have two internationals but I will have another at the end of summer to celebrate the arrival of Fall. I will probably offer a gift card if the winner is an international as I hate to pay more for the shipping then the book cost. So keep your eyes open as this should be posted by the end of the week. 

Here are a few of the books that I've chosen to offer in the giveaway. There will be more as the week goes on. Hopefully, you will find one that you would enjoy. Anyone have any suggestions for one you'd like to have? Leave me a note and I'll see what I can do.

CONTEST: Your choice of

The Crazy School by Cornelia Read (pb gently read),
My Soul to Save by Rachel Vincent (pb new),
A Touch of Scandal by Jennifer Haymore (pb new),
Fallen by Lauren Kate (hb gently read)
Flirting With Forever by Gwyn Cready (pb new)
Embers by Laura Bickle (pb new)
Nymphos of Rocky Flats by Mario Acevedo (pb new)
To Sin With a Scoundrel by Cara Elliott (pb new)

Sexy Beast VIII by Kate Douglas (pb new)

Cars from a Marriage by Debra Galant (hb new)

God Never Blinks: 50 Lessons for Life's Little Detours by Regina Brett (hb new)

The Language of Secrets by Diane Dixon (hb gently read)

- USA only
- Ends July 31st, 2010 Midnight EST- fill out the form Here


  1. Ooh! Lots of good books here. I'm a new follower!

  2. Congrates! Happy Birthday! And happy 6 month blogoversary. :) Wishing lots of luck to you.

  3. Happy Happy Birthday - a little early! Mine is this coming tuesday!
    Great list of books - I really hope you get to 100!

  4. You sure know how to throw a party, Lisa! Congratulations! :)

  5. You have a great choice of books. Happy 6-month blogiversary!

    I have an award for you HERE

  6. Congrats on acheiving 100 followers! I swung by here from the Book Blogger Hop!

  7. Happy 6th anniversary!!! ;-)I love visiting your blog. You have great taste!!!

    Happy Fourth!


  8. Congrats Lisa on 100 followers and more to come no doubt too.

  9. Congrats Lisa on 100 followers and more to come no doubt too.

    Signing up for the Birthday giveaway and wishing everyone all the best!

  10. Thanks for hosting! Happy birthday!

  11. Happy birthblogdayversary!! Congratulations on 100 followers.

  12. Congrats on your milestone! I am a new follower thanks for posting a comment over on my blog, by the way, directing me to yours.
    Christina from Randomness and Reading by Christina

  13. Happy Birthday and 1/2 blog birthday! I added myself as your newest follower too :)

    majik.of.mystee (at)

  14. There is so much to like on your blog. I will have to spend more time here. I'm especially interested in the Painted Caves by Auel. Never read one of her books.


This blog is now officially declared an Award Free zone! I do appreciate your kindness in thinking of me and I am humbled by your generosity. Your comments are award enough for me. Comment away!
Sorry, but because of those nasty spammers I no longer allow Anonymous Users. AU if have comments come out of the dark and stand up and say it instead of hiding behind AU.