Wednesday, April 14, 2010


I have gotten so far behind on my reviews it is shameful. I have three books by Nancy A Collins in her Vamp series, Kelly Gay's "The Better Part of Darkness", Judi Fennell's "Catch of a Lifetime", and Rachel Vincent's "Shift',  that I have read . Between income tax for the business, personal income tax, quarterly and monthly tax crap, I haven't sit down to write in a month. I promise to do my damnedest to get caught up by the weekend.


  1. Anything that takes time away from reading is truly evil.

  2. Yes, I had about decided to pack my bag(of books of course) and hide out in the woods. Unfortunately, though quite nice during the day, it was colder than a witch's tit( an old saying of my dad's)at night and I really, really hate to sleep on the ground. I guess I could hide in the attic. They probably couldn't find me for days.

  3. Hi Lisa! Nice to meet you! Love your blog! I hope you catch up soon. I am very behind myself and am trying to get my reading mojo back. :)


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