Tuesday, January 12, 2010

"Hogwarts: The Beginning" by Genie Driscoll

Hogwarts: The Beginning
by : Genie Driscoll
Rating * * * * *
Date Reviewed 5/28/2009

Well, we have waited patiently for the next movie. Reread the books again and again. (Still 2 months till the movie)While anxiously awaiting the movie, a wondrous thing has happened. I'm talking about "Hogwarts: The Beginning". This book is such a lifesaver. You now can find out about Dumbledore, as a young boy beginning his education at Hogwarts. You meet relatives of many of the characters that you fell in love with in the Potter books and discover a lot of the history of the ghosts and traditions that still are present at Hogwarts today. If you thought Harry could get into trouble, just wait till Albus Dumbledore and his pirates get started. This story has a wonderful storyline that will keep you on the edge of your seat. So sit back and enjoy because you are about to take the ride of your life. I give it 5 stars and am off to get 4 more copies for friends who tried to mug me and steal my copy( but I got away) Good thing they are good friends!!

As this was fan fiction, it has been dropped by Amazon and LuLu. Have contact info for author if anyone interested.

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