Philosophy is defined as a theory underlying or regarding a sphere of activity or thought. Well, my theory is if I can add at least 10 new books to my Wishlist and move at least 5 older Wishlist selections to my TBR list every month, then life is a ice cream sundae. And if I can find those 10 books from at least 5 new blogs each month then that's the cherry on top.


Well, I've made it almost 5 years now, so for better or worse, I continue on. I tend to blog in spurts as the urge to be creative erupts. As I don't have an artistic bone in my body, you will see very few changes in the layouts. Hey, I'm a reader not an artist like so many of the awesome bloggers I follow. I know you don't always have the time but if you stopped and looked, take a half a minute and say your piece. Recommend a book that you have enjoyed or hated for that matter. Thank you to all who visit.
Oh, and I moved my Google Friend Connect info and share this buttons to the top, as without our friends, who are we?

Saturday, September 8, 2012

2nd Annual Back to the Book Giveaway Hop

2nd Annual Back to the Book Giveaway Hop
Hosted by I Am A Reader, Not A Writer
Buried in Books

September 1st to 7th

Winners will be chosen by Rafflecopter.
Imagine, you get a do over in life, money is no object.
You just graduated from high school and your
 first year of college is starting.
Where are you going and what’s your major?

Contest will be open internationally. 
I will be giving away a $10 Amazon/Barnes and Noble Gift card or
 I'll let you chose a book from Book Depository 
up to $10 and as long as they ship free to you, 
you can enter. 
Just make sure they ship to you. If not sure,  check here.
I love to win Gift Cards and these are the simplest and the best as far as I'm concerned.
For every 50 brand new followers, I'll give away another $10 Gift card or 
book from Book Depository.

Hope you'll take the time to look around, 
make a comment or two. 
Click here for the full list of participating bloggers on the hop. 
This is a great way to meet more bloggers, win books, gift cards and more!
Giveaway Details from the Grandbuns!

Click on the "Read More" to take you to Rafflecopter--
If you have any problem getting Rafflecopter to come up, 
generally refreshing the page will fix it.

Read "Click for Instructions" before answering the question!

a Rafflecopter giveaway


Mariee said...

Not sure where I would go, but I'd definitively major in zoology.

nrlymrtl said...

Forensic investigation/Analysis

Ruth said...

Thanks for the giveaway!

Anonymous said...

I would go to Thomas Aquinas College, in the mountains of SoCal, and start a Liberal Arts Major. Funny you should ask that question, since I should be starting college there this fall, and I'm only not because of financial reasons :(

Christina Fiorelli said...

I'd major in Criminal Justice and Criminology:) With Art History as another major:)

Thank you:)

Unknown said...

Oh, another crack at college? Hmm. I might go with a journalism course--or maybe video-game design. :)

Seaside Book Nook said...

I would go to an Ivy League School in New England and I would major in accounting or something in the medical field. However, first I would travel Europe for a year - GAP Year!!!

DeeDee Griffin said...

I'd major in computer science or engineering, rather than psychology. That way my degree can actually get me a job :)

Sharmaine Chan said...

I'll go to Japan to study animation. My life long drreeaaaamm

Michele said...

I would go to Harvard and study law.

Angie said...

I'd probably end up doing the same thing as I am now, major in Environmental Science, but I'd add a minor or double major of Statistics.

Anonymous said...

I loved my art history major at Stanford, so I'd probably do that again. I'd take some more studio art this time, and make sure I was able to do foreign study in Florence...


Unknown said...

Canisius College for Animal Behavior, Conservation and Ecology.

Unknown said...

I would be in veterinary school. I would probably go somewhere in Europe, maybe Ireland.

crysb0503 said...

I would probably go to Oxford and still major in Psychology.

Anonymous said...

I would go to the same college because it is where I met my best friend and my husband! I wouldn't change the past because it brought me to where I am today. I also would keep the same major (Elementary Education).

Anonymous said...

In Europe Comunications

mk said...

I have absolutely no idea where I'll go to school. I actually have to decide where I want to go because this is my last year at high school... I'll probably study something with computers. Thanks for the great giveaway!

marian said...

would study film

Ronalee said...

I would major in Business.


Unknown said...

I would major in PR

Unknown said...

Harvard! I would want to be a doctor or nurse. Or maybe web design or business. Thanks for the giveaway!

Jillyn said...

I'd go to the University of Glasgow and major in English Literature. Thanks for the giveaway!

alicia marie said...

I would go to NYU and major in psychology.

Mary Preston said...

I'd still go into Nursing.

Unknown said...

I'd major in Education like I originally did:)

Cheryl said...

MI State - Nursing

Jewel said...

I would major in law. I've always wanted to be a lawyer.

Misha said...

London Academy of Music and Dramatic Art majoring in acting/drama

layen said...

Medicine in Cambridge

lincalc at gmail dot com

hhkaufman78 said...

If I had it to redo, I would enlist in the Air Force.

eg kaufman

Krista said...

I would go to bigger college but would probably still major in business.

Ace5123 said...

I would go into some sort of biology so I could work in a lab somewhere.

TammyAnn said...

I always wanted to go to Oxford U. I would major in the medical field.

Sue Sattler said...

Michigan State and I would study law.

Unknown said...

I would study music and be on Broadway!

kesummer69 at gmail dot com

Lisa Mandina said...

Not sure if I'd change where I went to college, but maybe to MU, and I would study library science, so I could be a librarian rather than a science teacher right now.

Unknown said...

Archaeology at University of York (England)

Lili said...

I'm applying to colleges as we speak, so I'm hoping to go to Northeastern University for English!

Unknown said...

I am majoring in medicine. Not sure of the school.

Robert Pyszk said...

I would go for marine biology at the best school I could find offering it.

Stephanie T. said...

Hmm, I think I'd want to major in computer science or in Health.

Kindlemom said...

Honestly, if money wasn't an issue then I would take a year off and travel the world before starting college. I would go everywhere I have ever wanted to go and a few days at each location.

Unknown said...

If I get a start over in life, I would follow my passion in fashion designing and go to a major fashion institute in Paris. Its sad but I ended up doing my Engineering in IT...


Wendy said...

If I could do it all over and go back to college, I would still like to go to Young Harris College(now that it is a 4 year college) however, I would major in Occupational or Physical Therapy. I have been trying to go back to school now to do this but it is much harder now. My passion changed from Art after my father was diagnosed with brain cancer and became paralyzed on his left side. Thank you.

throuthehaze said...

I have no idea where I would go but I would probably study psychology

Melissa said...

Well, if money is no object, I'm going to Oxford in England and studying literature.

Shelver506 said...

I'd go back to my same university. As for a major... I loved being an English major, so I wouldn't want to change that. But I'd definitely double-major in advertising. I LOVED the one class I took.

Megan said...

I would go back and do creative writing or business and try to get into book publishing!

Unknown said...

I would probably stick with what I did, psychology.
amandarwest atgmaildotcom

Jennifer Haile said...

I'd study biology at UC Santa Cruz.

Kathy said...

I'd be a kindergarten teacher.

Unknown said...

If I could do it all over again, I would back pack around Europe instead of going to college

Veronika said...

I would major in the same.. civil engineering :D

Karen H said...

Back in the day when I actually was in school, I had thoughts of being a high school teacher, probably English or Home Economics.

kareninnc at gmail dot com

Unknown said...

I'm not sure where i'd go but i'd major in something to do with computers. i love tinkering around on computers thanks to my dad.

Kelly said...

Forensic investigation/ Forensic sience

Life's Simple Pleasures said...

I'd study english, art, and film!

Unknown said...

If I got a complete do-over meaning better grades and SAT score I would go to UGA with a degree in English (I think they have a creative writing major, which I'd rather have instead).

ThePixieSprinkles said...

I'd double major in Psychology and Education. =)

Jesse Kimmel-Freeman said...

I definitely would not major in anthropology again- useless degree. LOL... Maybe Paleontology. :0)

amy beth marantino said...

i would study Special Education

wwe11 said...

I'm going to OSU and majoring in peticrian

Fall Into Books said...

I'd do pretty much what I'm doing now. I'd go to UNC-Chapel Hill and study American Indian Studies. The only difference is I'd add an Anthropology major to the mix as well. Then I'd go to graduate school, like I'm planning to do anyway.

PS Cute bunny!

Christy Maurer said...

I'm not sure where I'd go to college but I'd take a year off and travel first! I changed my major so many times in college. I had no idea what I wanted to do. I'd major in education this time :)

Kayla Beck said...

I would go to MIT and be an engineer or something sciencey. :-)

Mona said...

Thanks for the giveaway :)

I don't know which college but I think I'd want to be a psychologist/psychiatrist.

Kiery said...

Easy! Food Science & Culinary School with an MBA. Gotta have the balance of science, creativity, and business ;)

Unknown said...

I'd major in finance, I'd love to have a high powered career

Tiffany Drew said...

I'm heading over to Harvard Law them making my way towards the FBI :)

ann said...

Psychology or Law - college ??

Audrey said...

Thanks for the giveaway!
I'm entering my junior year at Oregon studying English and as much as I wanted to go to another school when I first applied, I don't think I'd change a thing right now! I love my friends and the community and I love my major.

Katie Amanda said...

I love what I do, but I would also have loved to be a dog trainer specializing in bully breeds. I would also have loved to start an animal rescue. Maybe some day..

Linda Kish said...

Stanford medical school

lkish77123 at gmail dot com

Unknown said...

I love my current career (school psychology) and I am just getting started in it, so if I was to go back to the beginning of college I am not sure I would want to major in something other than psychology. If I was, I would want it to be library science or English (with the plan to be an Editor). As to where I would go? I loved my undergrad and had a great experience there, but if money was no object, I would probably go to some big city.

Kim Reid said...

I would take time off from college to travel overseas - Thanks!

kimberlybreid at hotmail dot com

elin said...

nyu history

Unknown said...

Virginia Tech and major in Computer Sciences! Thanks!

Doodle said...

I'm a senior at WVU studying Exercise Physiology. If I had really thought about it before applying, I would have applied at Purdue University for Optometry.

Leeanna said...

I'd study ... finance, maybe. Weird choice I know.

amy beth marantino said...

i forgot to say where... i am not sure of their special education program, but if they have one i would go to Boston College.

Danielle B! said...

I think I'd do a gap year in Europe or a student exchange program in college. As for a major, I don't know...? :)

Darlene said...

No idea where I'd go, but I'd love to major in Psychology. Either that or I'd become a Naturopathic Doctor.

Thanks for the giveaway!

lbraley said...

Duh English major! My book comes out next year but it would have been nice to have a degree.... minor in music :) Just for fun

aatweens said...

I would want to go to UT and major in biology or chemistry. Thanks for the chance to win!

Cricket said...

Art/Music and somewhere in NY

Lynn K. said...

I am in my first year of college and taking multimedia design so that won't change. But if I had a chance I would love to go overseas like maybe London or Japan..

Unknown said...

I would be in boston at Emerson. Studying music!

BLHmistress said...

I think I would actually finish what I didn't finish which was Music and Video Business at the Art Institute of Pittsburgh.

Becca said...

I think I would go to UCLA because everyone I know who goes there loves it. I would probably major in some time of business or religious studies :) sbcashortie at hotmail dot com

J Whitus said...

Texas Tech. Pre-law or education

Unknown said...

I would go back to school and study english. I would like to have something with the writing/ publishing world. I would also like to have minored in photography.

deasuluna said...

I would go to Oberlin, majoring in Modern Languages and minoring in Computer Sciences

Jolene and Family said...

I didn't go to college, just started a family right after Highschool and got married. Just going to college and majoring in something would be awesome! :)

Stephanie said...

If money didn't matter I would probably go to a more expensive and prestigious school than I did. I would still study something in the Behavioral Sciences though.

Flo said...

Travel! Semester abroad, semester at sea, go all around Europe while I'm still young enough for hostels.

Unknown said...

If money was no object, I'd totally be a perpetual student! First I'd go to Paris-Sorbonne University and study languages -- a bunch of them -- with PLENTY of foreign exchange enrichment programs.

Then maybe a degree in philosophy, writing, then art history and probably an international business degree and international which point I'd probably be around retirement age, so I could relax...and travel some more!

Thanks for the amazing giveaway!
elizabeth @ bookattict . com

Lisa (Lisa's World of Books) said...

I am not sure where but I would have done Database Management and minor in something that could get me into the publishing world.

anme said...

I would go to my alma mater again, Gallaudet University, and major in Sociology and History

anme said...

I would go to my alma mater again, Gallaudet University, and major in Sociology and History.

Thank you for the giveaway!
Mel Brock

jeanette8042 said...

I'd go to England and major in microbiology.

Dinda said...

I would major in English.

susan1215 said...

I'd study criminial justice

s2s2 at comcast dot net

CindyWindy2003 said...

i'd go to nc state and study zoology

Lenna W said...

I'd major in History with a minor in Anthropology. Or maybe vice versa.

Unknown said...

Probably majoring in as many foreign languages as I could and then packing my bags to travel the world!

Carrie said...

I wish I had more courage, because I would have tried to go to a college where I could focus on singing.

Unknown said...

I'd get my PhD in archaeology.

Gabbie said...

I'd go to the University of Louisville and major in biology, and minor in premed!

Juana said...

I would choose the same University I went to - UTB, but I would study to become a librarian.


Fear Street said...

I'm only in my second year of college...I feel like I would do things the same :) I'm majoring in history.

Steph said...

Hmm - I would go to an Ivy League school here in the US or maybe Oxford or a school somewhere in Europe. I'd study literature.

Gaby said...

I would go to a college in California my major is Early Childhood Edu.

Jes said...

Georgetown - law


C.J. said...

I'm going to Notre Dame and I'm a psychology and English major. I wouldn't do it differently.

Caitlin said...

One of the universities in Sydney, Asutralia. I think I would still major in biology!

June M. said...

I would probably have studied either psychology or went into the physcian's assistant program or something. Not sure what college I would have attended, but it would be some place warm, but not hot.

Unknown said...

I would go to the same University but major in medical technology.

Re said...

I'd major in film somewhere at a new york college.

Merry said...

I would be going to Clemson University and majoring in Psychology. I got a taste of it when I went back to school, and really enjoyed it!

michele376 said...

BCC Nursing