Philosophy is defined as a theory underlying or regarding a sphere of activity or thought. Well, my theory is if I can add at least 10 new books to my Wishlist and move at least 5 older Wishlist selections to my TBR list every month, then life is a ice cream sundae. And if I can find those 10 books from at least 5 new blogs each month then that's the cherry on top.


Well, I've made it almost 5 years now, so for better or worse, I continue on. I tend to blog in spurts as the urge to be creative erupts. As I don't have an artistic bone in my body, you will see very few changes in the layouts. Hey, I'm a reader not an artist like so many of the awesome bloggers I follow. I know you don't always have the time but if you stopped and looked, take a half a minute and say your piece. Recommend a book that you have enjoyed or hated for that matter. Thank you to all who visit.
Oh, and I moved my Google Friend Connect info and share this buttons to the top, as without our friends, who are we?

Thursday, May 24, 2012


Contest will be open internationally.
I will be giving away a $10 Amazon/Barnes and Noble Gift card or
I'll let you chose a book from Book Depository
up to $10 and as long as they ship free to you,
you can enter.
Just make sure they ship to you. If not sure,  check here.
I love to win Gift Cards and these are the simplest and the best as far as I'm concerned.
For every 50 brand new followers, I'll give away another $10 Gift card or
book from Book Depository.
Book Depository

Click HERE for the full list of participating bloggers on the hop.
This is a great way to meet more bloggers, win books, gift cards and more!

To enter:
Simply fill out the Rafflecopter form below and answer this question in the comments--

"If money was no object, what is the dream vacation you would go on this summer?"

Click on the "Read More" to take you to Rafflecopter--
If you have any problem getting 
Rafflecopter to come up,
generally refreshing the page will fix it.
Read "Click for Instructions" before answering the question!

a Rafflecopter giveaway


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Fall Into Books said...

Fiji or Bretagne, France

Kendra said...

I'd definitely go to Southern Europe. :)

Sue Sattler said...

If money was no object I would go to a private island and spend about a month, reading, sleeping and just enjoying the alone time. Of course I would love to take my kids and grandkids to Disney too.

proudarmymom32 at yahoo dot com

Unknown said...

Easy one, I would go some place hot and fun like the Caribbean :P

Unknown said...

The Greek Islands <3

Thanks for the giveaway!

Shelby said...

I would probably do a Carribean cruise or something exotic. Thanks for the giveaway!

Mystica said...


Kimberly Lim said...

I would so love to have an around the world trip w/ my family

TayteH said...

I can't find the linky following button thing.

Unknown said...

I would go on an European vacation touring all over.

Gi-Gi said...

I would go to Korea and stay there the whole summer until I had to come back for class :D

Catie said...

I would love to go on a European tour.

Astri Nasthasia Videlia said...

Thank You so Much for this Giveaway!!! and making it International... ^^

Astri Nasthasia Videlia said...

going to Raja Ampat Island... place in Papua, Indonesia ...
Wish I could be there someday... xD

Thank's for this Giveaway... ^^

S a n d r a said...

If money was not a problem? I would go to as many places as I could: New Orleans, the Highlands, Tokyo, Seoul... =)

johann said...

I'll buy Richard Branson's island, and build a secret library there. Then just go and read for ever on the beach!

Theshortone08 said...

I would travel to as many cities and countries as I could before summer's end.

Anonymous said...

Well, if money was not object I would buy my own little tropical island and spend the whole summer swimming with the dolphins, reading books and lounging on the veranda of my newly purchased villa!

Lauren B said...

If money were no object, I would go on a cruise.

Tanja - Tanychy said...

I'd go to Brazil! :)
Thanks! :)

Shah Wharton said...

I'd go on a round the world for a year trip if money was no object. :)

Shah Wharton said...

and I can't find your linky to follow?

Alessandra said...

I'd go to London! Or maybe New York.

Anonymous said...

My dream vacation is probably to get an around-the-world aeroplane ticket and stop off everywhere :) Especially Rome & to visit Machu Picchu!

Unknown said...

Since I would love to go to the UK I think that's where at spend my summer vacation if I could. It's not a very famous summer destination but whatever!

hs said...

London. Just because.

elin said...

I would love to go travel to England, France, Spain, and Italy.

Tanja said...

I would visit South Korea and Japan :)

Zemira said...

I would be happy to go pretty much anywhere because I NEVER go anywhere during the summer.

Certifible said...

I would go to Europe - travel different countries, lingering, backpacking from one hotel to another :)

Thank for the giveaway
scarlettkitty at hotmail dot com

Life's Simple Pleasures said...

Easy, a trip around the world! With lots of stops at locations in my fave books or movies. ie. the locations in the Pride and Prejudice movie. Woo hoo!!

Thanks for the giveaway!

franchie15 said...

Where else? I'd love to tour around Europe! That must be real expensive. ;) Happy Summer!

Sermento said...

I'd go to the U.A.E, because that's where my grandmother is.

miki said...


if money wasn't a issue i would like to go to take some courses in spain or to visit my friend in london or even better if there is a book convention in the Usa ( i don't know if there is oen in summer) i would love to attend

thansk you fo this giveaway

all the best

Jennifer Haile said...

I would take a cruise around the world!

mil said...

I'd go to florida to all the theme parks and stuff, and of course stay at a 5* hotel

Janet W. said...

Dream vacation would be to Australia!

Janhvi said...

I'd probably take a trip to Europe :)

Jet said...

If money were no issue...I would want to vacation on my own private island in a big mansion with a butler at my service and a chef :D sounds good to me!

Naga said...

Japan, of course! It's my dream to go there.

Thank you so much for the giveaway :)

Steph said...

Thanks for the giveaway! I'd either go on a tour of Europe or to an all inclusive Caribbean resort.

debbie said...

I would travel all across Europe.

Mihaela said...

Somewhere exotic like Thailand:)

Anonymous said...

I would say Egypt because it's one of my biggest dreams to travel there someday but because it would be way to hot there in the summer I will say... England, Ireland, Greece or the USA. :)

Mary Preston said...

I'd travel around the world & just keep going.

throuthehaze said...

My dream vacation would be traveling around Western Europe.

Kelly said...

I would love to go to Hawaii!

Unknown said...

If money is no object then I'm going to England to see family and hit up the Summer Games.

Cat said...

i'd jump on a plan and go to Italy with my sis and her family next week!

wcs53 said...

My dream vacation would be taking my wife and kids to Scotland and showing them all the places I enjoyed growing up.

Kindlemom said...

I would travel Europe!

AwesomeNiks said...


I have SO MANY places I'd want to go!

The Bahamas, Japan, New Zealand, Australia, Hawaii...

I would PROBABLY choose a trip to New Zealand and a stop in Australia. See all the beautiful scenery with my wonderful husband. After all, our one year anniversary is this summer!

Sarah Elizabeth said...

It would have to be the carribean! I just love sunshine and it wouldbe amazing! :)

A.D. Duling said...

I would go on the Disney Cruise with the family :0)

Kimberleigh said...

Probably Rome or Greece :D

Anna Penwick said...

My dream vacation would be to visit china and see the great wall.

Krista said...

A tour of Europe!

Mel@Thedailyprophecy said...

Bora Bora <3

Diving in the Great Barrief Reef :D
Going to Egypt and ride on a camel! Seeing the piramides and visiting CaĆÆro.

Going to Machu Pichu ^^

I would travel the world without stopping. Just going away whenever I feel like it.

Jo K said...

Travelling across Europe - the capitals, castles, etc. and then maybe just rest awhile somewhere in the Alps.

Filia Oktarina said...

I want to travel around the world!!

Natalie @ Book Lovers Life said...

Id travel the world, stopping in every city.

Sugar and Snark said...

Egypt and Rome!

Unknown said...

the Antarctica, I hate hate hate hate summer

Unknown said...

A cruise around the world - stopping at a ton of interesting places and taking the side trips that are offered.

kayswederski at yahoo dot com

Unknown said...

I am from Europe so I would love to go to Miami or New York, anywhere in America really:)

Christina Fiorelli said...

I'd go to Hawaii!

Thanks so much:)

Unknown said...

I am from Europe so I would love to go to Miami or New York, anywhere in America really :)

CindyWindy2003 said...

i'd go to hawaii, carawling(at)hotmail(dot)com

Bookie Bee said...

We have been planning for a Europe tour...IF money was no issue, then it would DEFINITELY be Europe!!

Unknown said...

Somwhere beautiful not in the US

ellepaulette said...

I would take my entire family and go to Hawaii!!!

tjmetz said...

I would go to Scotland & Ireland!

Anme said...

I would do a Grand Tour like the rich boys of Victorian and Regency times, so I would spend basically a year wandering around Europe (Russia and Egypt totally count right?).

Cathy C said...


catherine0807 at hotmail dot com

BlackWolf said...

I'd definitely go to Tokyo

april_hunter24 said...

America only been there once and it was amazing !

Jennifer said...

I would tour Europe... :)

Anonymous said...

ohhh I'll visit Paris, Greece, Japan, Venezuela, Puerto Rico, Colombia, Italy Germany, London and Ireland

Kaira said...

i would love to see a concert for Big Bang's Alive tour

Lori @ Writing My Own Fairy Tale said...

Ireland! Or Hawaii. Or Greece. Or an Alaskan cruise. Or anywhere. Vacations are awesome.

Carole M said...

Hawaii. 5 star resort, 2 or more weeks... that would be wonderful!

J Whitus said...

Australia or Italy

Chocolate Chunky Munkie said...

I would love a trip to New Zealand. It looks so beautiful.

Joan said...

If money were no object I'd visit every state in the US

Reading Mind / The Loyal Book said...

visiting ALL the 50 US states

Stephanie said...

I would go to New Zealand!

Tabby Williams said...

Hawaii. I've always wanted to see Hawaii. :)

NGS said...

I'd go to Scotland and Wales. For the castles, of course!

Kylie Carlson said...

I'd love to walk the GR65 in France this summer- too bad I'm broke!

latishajean said...

I would say Disney Would love that place my favorite!
Thank you for the great giveaway!

Doodle said...

A summer traveling through Europe

Jo said...

A tour across Europe!

marian said...

i would go to london!!

deanna_boocock said...

a month in South America visiting all the countries.

Nicki J. Markus / Asta Idonea said...

A European tour to enjoy the culture and escape the Aussie winter.

Jewel said...

Jamaica or Hawaii. Somewhere tropical.

ann said...

a nice quiet beach with clear blue water

Kat said...

I would love to travel all over Europe in the summer.

Sierra Abrams said...

Go to France and then to Turkey...and then to Russia!

Sandra said...

Disney World!

Allie said...

It would be one of those fancy cruise ship things for me :)

Ricki said...

Train tour of the Scottish countryside.

Darlene said...

If money was no object, I'd like to spend a month travelling with my kids in some exotic locales - like Egypt and Africa!

Then, I'd like to spend a month on the beaches in Maldives, just soaking up the sun, reading, playing with my kids in the water, building sand-castles, etc.

Nay Nay said...

Woohoo! Blog Hopping!
What a great way to discover new blogs and visit with old friends. Everybody wins this way!

If money was no object, I'd go on a cruise to the Caribbean staying in one of the suites on the ship and stopping at ALL the ports, shop til I drop. LOL

Thanks for being part of the hop and for the chance to win! <^_^>

Rebecca said...

I would love to go to Bora Bora and just chill out at one of the retreats there :)

Michele O. said...

I'd go to South Korea :)

Danielle Williams said...

If money were no object I would take 3 months and go visit England, Ireland, Scotland, and Germany. I really think I would enjoy it over there :)

laceyblossom said...

I'd love to go on a cruise around the Caribbean!

Anonymous said...


books4me said...

I would rent a log cabin in ANY mountains and stay all summer!

Emma B. said...

I think it would be really cool to Germany and eat some of the world's best chocolate!

Juana said...

I would love to go to Egypt.

Liss Martz said...

To Italy, to be with my family, I missed them

mysons said...


Unknown said...

Definitely Europe! or NYC :)

Hannah Lorraine said...

If money was no object I'd start traveling and probably never stop - I think what I want most is to just be a global wanderer. But if we're just going with this summer, I think I'd start out in Scandinavia and trace my heritage.

Anonymous said...

I would go somewhere tropical like Bahamas, Hawaii somewhere like that those place are beautiful. Thank you <3

Jasmine1485 said...

I'd travel across Europe, stopping for extended stays in England, France and Italy :)

Crystal said...

I'd do a 7 day Disney cruise!

Clarissa (Bookadicea) said...

If money isn't an issue I would definitely spend the summer in a Mediterranean Cruise with my family and friends then we'll spend the rest of the summer in Italy, Toscana to be specific.
Thanks for the giveaway! :)
-Riz B.

Danielle B! said...

I would love to tour through Europe. Especially Italy, England, and France. Thanks for the great giveaway! :D

Felicia said...

I would love to go to the Carribeans! :)

Unknown said...

going to latin America and travelled in Europe

thanks for the giveaway ^^

~Enamored Soul~ said...

If I could go wherever I'd like, without money being an issue, then instead of flitting around from island to island in the Caribbean...or going from one European country to another...I'd like a month long trip enjoying the sunshine and clear blue waters of Bora Bora. Of course, I'd also love for there to be an endless supply of books to read, and frozen fruity libations for me to imbibe as well...and it would be PERFECT! :)

Thank you for your generosity, and for participating in this blog hop!

Name: Hira Hasnain
Email: Enamoredsoul(at)gmail(dot)com

Unknown said...

NYC for sure!

aldelei89 said...

i'd go to Oregon to visit my parents :)

Unknown said...

I'd go to Egypt!

Butter said...

I'd go on a road-trip across the USA :) I hope one day I'll be lucky enough to do so :)
Thanks for the giveaway!

Disincentive said...

USA of Japan. I'm sick of Europe :p

dollycas aka Lori said...

I would take my whole family to Hawaii. Hubby was supposed to take me there for our 10th anniversary but his month we celebrated 29 years of marriage and still no trip to Hawaii.

Sonia said...

I'd like to go to Italy or France. :-)

Ange said...

I would love to travel throughout Great Britain and Ireland!

Maria M said...

A trip to the USA!!!
Thanks for the giveaway!! =)

mels said...

I'd go to New York, it's my dream! :D

airhead said...

I really want to go on a trip around Europe and the UK!

Deb PelletierC said...

I would rent a house at the beach, for a week , with the family.DebP

Unknown said...

amandarwest atgmaildotcom

Laura (All the Word's a Page) said...

Ireland! It'd be amazing!

Laura said...

The USA :)

Tanya said...

New Zealand, Australia, a road trip across the USA! Oh, what a dream!

Jessica L. Tate said...

Madagascar! I would love to do a tour in relation to lemurs. I LOVE LEMURS! Thanks for the giveaway! :)

Danie said...

Hmmm. I'd go to Ireland I think!

Irene Jackson said...

I live in England and I would love to take a leisurely road trip through the southern states of the USA.
Irene Jackson on rafflecopter

Colleen Boudreau said...


Heather said...

an Alaskan cruise or a road trip across Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia, Tennessee, North and South Carolina.

Angie said...

I would go all around Europe. It would be amazing.

Anonymous said...

I would go to Venice. I loved Italy.

Geishasmom73 AT yahoo DOT com

Anonymous said...

I'd go on a cruise.

Cecil Atom said...

I would go to South Korea.

*Jam* said...

I'd go to Harry Potter themed park! Thanks for the giveaway! =)

Tobi said...

I would go to Denmark, England, Ireland, Scottland and then finally end up in Disney World or start there either way! <3

Thanks for doing the hop!

magic5905 said...

I want to go to tons of places but on the top of my list is Italy.
magic5905 at embarqmail dot com

susan1215 said...

Cruise to the Bahamas

s2s2 at comcast dot net

Shelver506 said...

I'd go back to France, then hop over to Germany (to visit relatives), stop by Italy, then spend a weekend in Egypt.

Persephone said...

I'd go to London and attend every Olympic soccer match.

Hannah said...

FOR SURE: Europe!!! :D yay!
(ps. when I filled out the rafflecopter I forgot I just changed my name. I said I was gonna be Inky. It's hannah. :D)

Thank you!
@Book Haven Extraordinaire

Tracy said...

There are so many places in this great big world I'd love to see, but my answer to this question always remains the same... I'd choose California so I could go visit my mom.
Tracy Awalt Juliano

softballcrazy_081497 said...

I would love to backpack over Eurasia. go everywhere

JoAnna said...

I would go to China and Japan.

ZaraAlexis said...

I've been fascinated with the idea of travelling to Japan and Korea---if money wasn't an issue, I'd travel all over Asia.

ShotgunGuyIsCool said...

I would tour around Europe!!!!!

Jade said...

I'd love to go to France! :)

Lolawid said...

I would take my kids on a Disney cruise and to Disneyworld!!

Dawn said...

I'd go to Australia

Cindy said...

I would go back home and visit with my friends and family.

Unknown said...

Cruise around the Mediterranean

brendajean said...

My kids are dying to go to England, Scotland and Ireland to see some real life castles:)

The More the Merrier said...

I would love to go back to Italy. Reading on the beach while eating some gelato sounds like fun to me:)

Unknown said...

I'd love to go to someplace in Europe... like France or England!

Michelle said...

Japan, all of Europe, Australia, any island(Hawaii, Bora Bora, etc.) This is going to cost me a looot of money.

NovelKatie said...

I would love to go to the Galapagos Islands and take a luxurious cruise. We can dream!

Thanks for your generosity!

deasuluna said...

I would take a summer long tour of Italy! All that art work!

precious said...

Europe definitely!!! Italy, Paris, Spain..and so on.. so on..

Aleksandra said...

Definitely a tour through Italy :) I've wanted to visit Italy since forever - I grew up watching the movie Only You with Marisa Tomei & Robert Downey Jr over and over again, it's still one of my favs, that's why ;)

Thanks for the giveaway!

terluon said...

I'd take a road trip in America and then go to Hong Kong and go to the Theme parks there! :D

Tiffany Holme said...

If money was no oissue I would have to go to: Rome, Australia and Hawaii :)

stella said...

Anywhere in Europe would be awesome!

Dark_Calling said...

id go to london

thanks for the giveaway

Isa said...

I would go to Italy. Its been my dream vacation for years so I'm saving up for it. :)

Evie said...

Japan :)
Thanks a lot for the giveaway!

Kate said...

I'd go to Europe. All over. I'd love to get to see all the lovely sights and countries. I'd probably never want to come home :P

Reading Away The Days said...

Oh there are so many places I would like to go! My top places would be:


Lexi Edwards said...

Europe! Anywhere in Europe

Ellisa said...

Definitely South Korea! Would like to stay at its traditional inn and tour around the city of Seoul! Then off to the outskirts of the city and villages, visiting and food tasting each town's famous delicacy. And go to one Kpop concert!

Ellisa said...

Definitely South Korea! Would like to stay at its traditional inn and tour around the city of Seoul! Then off to the outskirts of the city and villages, visiting and food tasting each town's famous delicacy. And go to one Kpop concert!

Ninna Berries said...

Greek Islands!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I would go to Japan

Tanya1224 said...

I would go to Greece and do some major hiking. The Acropolis and all the ruins =) So beautiful.

Tanya1224 said...

I'd love to go to Greece and hike the acropolis and see all the ruins. Also eat all the food I could and shop =)

Sophia Rose said...

The British Isles!

Thanks for participating in the hop and for the giveaway opportunity.

BookStacksOnDeck said...

I'd totally go to Australia. <3
-heather m.

Emma said...

I would go to Hawaii.

Kristia said...

Machu Picchu in Peru!

Kelly said...

I would love to take my family to Italy..

Denise Z said...

I would love to visit the Asian countries with stops in Thailand, Japan, China, then I would move on to Greece and then Italy (I know total opposite directions, but hey if money is no object I am taking the whole summer LOL)

Unknown said...

'First, once i had the money, i'd have to find the time - i'd love to be in Alaska on June 21st!

Emily @ Falling For YA said...

There is this really awesome cruise that goes all over the world. I think it is a year long cruise and you basically buy a condo on the boat and then travel around the world. That is what I would choose to do if money was no object!

Veronica W. said...

Either Scotland + Ireland or Italy.

Anonymous said...

The Greek Islands! *sigh* what bliss!

Bridget Howard said...

London England

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