Philosophy is defined as a theory underlying or regarding a sphere of activity or thought. Well, my theory is if I can add at least 10 new books to my Wishlist and move at least 5 older Wishlist selections to my TBR list every month, then life is a ice cream sundae. And if I can find those 10 books from at least 5 new blogs each month then that's the cherry on top.


Well, I've made it almost 5 years now, so for better or worse, I continue on. I tend to blog in spurts as the urge to be creative erupts. As I don't have an artistic bone in my body, you will see very few changes in the layouts. Hey, I'm a reader not an artist like so many of the awesome bloggers I follow. I know you don't always have the time but if you stopped and looked, take a half a minute and say your piece. Recommend a book that you have enjoyed or hated for that matter. Thank you to all who visit.
Oh, and I moved my Google Friend Connect info and share this buttons to the top, as without our friends, who are we?

Wednesday, August 31, 2011


Back to the Books Giveaway Hop
Hosted by Kathy from I Am A Reader, Not A Writer
and Heather from  Buried in Books

Winners will be chosen by Rafflecopter.
Imagine, you get a do over in life, money is no object.
You just graduated from high school and your
 first year of college is starting.
Where are you going and what’s your major?

Contest will be open internationally. 
I will be giving away a $10 Amazon/Barnes and Noble Gift card or
 I'll let you chose a book from Book Depository 
up to $10 and as long as they ship free to you, 
you can enter. 
Just make sure they ship to you. If not sure,  check here.
I love to win Gift Cards and these are the simplest and the best as far as I'm concerned.
For every 50 brand new followers, I'll give away another $10 Gift card or 
book from Book Depository.

Hope you'll take the time to look around, 
make a comment or two. 

Click here for the full list of participating bloggers on the hop. 
This is a great way to meet more bloggers, win books, gift cards and more!
Giveaway Details from the Grandbuns!

Click on the "Read More" to take you to Rafflecopter--
If you have any problem getting Rafflecopter to come up, 
generally refreshing the page will fix it.

Read "Click for Instructions" before answering the question!


1 – 200 of 253   Newer›   Newest»
Alexis @ Reflections of a Bookaholic said...

I would change my major to some engineering degree instead of my business degree.

kira meier said...

If I got a do-over, I would major in Art and Literature. I'm hoping to go back soon! :D

Arianne said...

I would still go to the same college I go to now but instead of business, I might take up Theater as my major :)

nayjf said...

I think I would like to go back to school and major in comparative lit this time

buddyt said...

Thanks for the giveaway and for opening it to Intenational entries.

Much appreciated.

Carol T

buddytho {at} gmail DOT com

buddyt said...

I would probably study Archeology and ancient peoples and animals have always interested me.

Carol T

buddytho {at} gmail DOT com

jeanette8042 said...

I'm still in college and about to start my third year as a microbiology major at UC Davis in California. Thanks for the wonderful giveaway!

Unknown said...

Oops, I didn't answer the question. :P

I am still a teenager and haven't been to college, but I think I would major in English. :)

Unknown said...

I'm in my senior year of college now and I feel like I have to say I'd still choose to double major in psychology and human biology. Otherwise I'd feel really depressed and like I wasted the last 3 years. Really though, I think I'd choose the same anyway. I really love both my majors.

Thanks so much!

layen said...

I'd like to try doing Medicine/Pharmacy (blame Greys Anatomy for this LOL)

Sayeth said...

I'd go to the University of Kentucky and major in Biology, since I hear they have great professors. ;-)

_yay_ said...

Thank you SO much for the giveaway! Especially bec. it's open for international followers #BookDepository
Sasse (_yay_)

Aleksandra said...

Probably something with literature!

Thanks for the giveaway!

Jennifer @ The Book Nympho said...

Dental Hygienist. I wanted to do that now but since I'm married and have a kid I can't take 2 years off of work to do the program so now I'm working towards a BA in English.

Lolawid said...

If I could do it over, I think I would focus on English Lit., and do something with books - maybe be an editor?


Angel (Mermaid Vision Books) said...

Thank you so much for this contest! I've got so many books on my wish list and this would be a lovely prize to win. :)

Angel C

Dani @ Refracted Light said...

College: School of Life
Major: Lounging in Parisian cafes
Minor: French pastries and Italian espresso

If I had a do-over and the resources, I'd put school off a year and bum around Europe. :)

Jinky said...

Thanks for the giveaway! Hope you get lots of extra 50s :) --Saw my name and for a second I thought I won something ..hehehe

Marianne said...

I'd take up creative writing or psychology. :)

Marianne said...

I'd take up creative writing or psychology at the University of the Philippines. I forgot to put the college in my first comment. :)

Unknown said...

Marine biologist. Why not?

I like water. I like animals. Seems like a perfect match.

Dovile said...

the school system over here is a bit different. After we finish ten or twelve years of school, we can choose to go to a college or university. I think I wouldn't chance anything in my life, because I was lucky to get into a subject that I wanted, so I'd study business administration again.

Dovile said...

I forgot to include my email;
spamscape [at] gmail [dot] com

Jessica Louise said...

Great giveaway. Love it when people get to pick the book that they really want to read

Anne R said...

A do over--I am starting college again..yikes. I liked my college, it was a good fit for me.
I would still stay in the health field, not sure I would pick nursing again. Maybe physical therapy.

Sonia said...

Well I haven't started university yet, haha :) So I guess I'll go for psychology at the University of Toronto or business at Schulich. Thanks!

debbie said...

I would go into law enforcement/ forensic psychology, if I could do it all over again.

Anonymous said...

If I could go back and do it all over, I'd go to either Northwestern or Univ of Chicago and get my degree in English Literature. I know that's something I would really enjoy.

Thanks for the giveaway!

Unknown said...

I would study psychology and probably go somewhere up north.
amandarwest atgmaildotcom

Amanda Welling said...

I actually DID get this do-over! I originally went to school for Medical Assisting after high school and was good at it, but I hated it! So a few years later I went back to college as a major in Hospitality! I love it so far!

Pixel Berry Pie Designs said...

I'm going to stay at home a little bit longer and go through college for a degree in web design.

Amanda said...

Well I am not yet out of high school, and I don't know what I'll major in or where I'll go soo I don't know how to answer this question hah. :)

geschumann said...

I would make sure I got a job straight out of college & start my family a little later. The second half of your question was cut off so I didn't know what else you asked. Thanks for the giveaway! Gloria

Unknown said...

I think I would have to go with old world history...I love it...Can't get enough of it...Think I might write my own book....LOL

Bex said...

I'm actually just graduated and starting Uni to the fall. We don't do it quite as you do here in Sweden, but if I'd change something, I'd plan to apply to librarian/literature studies right away instead of deciding that too late.

Thanks for making the giveaway international!

mk said...

I'm taking it one step at the time which is an excuse for me not having any idea what I want to study or do after I finish high school...

miki said...

thanks for this giveaway ( international)

i guess i will directly do communication (and not law)

lindseybousfield said...

If I could do it over I would have majored in art and English.

Getting Your Read On said...

In my do over I'd take dance and try to be on a college dance team. Maybe ballroom. :)

brandonaimee AT gmail DOT com

Tasha said...


Darlene said...

I'd love to be a Naturopathic Doctor, but there is no local college/university here where I could do it. I would have to find one where I could do distance learning.

Either that or attend our local university and major in Psychology.

Thanks for the giveaway!

darlenesbooknook at gmail dot com

Tasha said...

I would probably major in psychology and minor in english instead of business...and if I could afford to I would choose another school as well

Kiwi said...

I had wanted to major in astrophysics at a university in Arizona where they have big, clear skies. Wanted to be an astronaut someday.

Faith Hope and Cherrytea said...

Where are you going and what’s your major?
ooo in an ideal world? uk English Lit

Anonymous said...

I would have to say I wouldn't change a thing, If I did I probably wouldn't be the person I am today, and have the wonderful family that I have.

Thanks for the chance to win :)

Jennifer said...

I'd do a double major of English and psychology - unless somewhere still offers bibliotherapy.

throuthehaze said...

I'm not sure...maybe psychology or art (sculpture)
throuthehaze at gmail dot com

Missbookaholicgirl said...

I actually just graduated in May and majored in early childhood and elementary ed. If I was to do it all over, I would not change what I majored in. I couldnt see myself doing anything else!

kara-karina@Nocturnal Book Reviews said...

Creative writing or some obscure subject like Eastern European folklore or mythology with vampires thrown in a mix :)
Thank you for the giveaway!

samantha35 said...

I would change my major to nursing

great giveaway
follow via gfc

BiteMeAsh said...

BSc in Computer Science from MIT

BiteMeAsh said...

Oops pressed enter before signing off ;o)

Rita from South Africa
Thank you for great contest and opening for international

Unknown said...

I would study archaeology and religious studies.

andrea b said...

I'd do it again and still study Industrial Engineering at PUCP (Lima, Perú)... Well, if money were no object I would've liked to study abroad.

-andrea b

Karen said...

I'd major in Art Therapy.

bookloveralltheway said...

i'd major in pedeatric's either as a faimly physician or a neroligest

bookloveralltheway said...

i'd major in pedeatrics.

Amanda said...

Haven't graduated high school yet, but I'd like to major in Journalism.

Linda Kish said...

I would still go to nursing school but would probably attend a four year school instead of a junior college.

lkish77123 at gmail dot com

Lissa said...

English Lit of course!

humanecats said...

I'd go to U of Mass and get a nursing degree.

humanecats at gmail dot com

books4me said...

If I went through college again, I would get a double degree: creative writing and sign language interpreter!

GFC books4me

books4me67 at

Nat (Lendo Romances) said...

Where are you going and what’s your major?
Major in Art and literature! Where? the closest place I can find!

Nikki said...

In an ideal world, I would have majored in epidemiology and traveled the world stopping viral outbreaks.

jen7waters said...

I would probably go with journalism, or something else that involved writing. My other option would be Arts. :) I can't tell you the name of a college you will know, i mean I can.. is just that I live in Portugal, but basically it would be the one that's on my city, which is really the best college in the country with the journalism major, it's called Faculdade de Letras. :)

jen7waters at gmail dot com

Anonymous said...

College was only a couple of years ago for me, so at this point I would probably not change anything about my university of choice and my major, which was pre-pharmacy. If I had all the money and time in the world, however, I would probably major in literature for fun.

Badass Bookie said...

I haven't even been through college once! :P Haha well I guess I would love to do a major in Art though :)

Diane said...

I would love to be a teacher so if i could do it over that would be my choice.

ebaker said...

I would probably stay with the same major Biology or change to biomed like I originally was :) and somewhere at an out of state football school!

Unknown said...

I'm on my first year in college! I'm taking up Journalism and I'm liking it so far.

Ana Norte said...

Well, I'm already in college...
But let's forget that and start over! Hahaha

I would go to Texas and study engineering! =D

Lexi said...

I would study abroad, something to do with graphic design....that is a fun question.

Tiffany Drew said...

I am going somewhere warm, like Hawaii, and I am going for marine biology. And of course, since this is hypothetical, I am not going to get sea sick riding on the boats :) Ahh, if only...

Unknown said...

HMM..I would go to BYU and major in Nursing and moving on Nurse Midwife program.

The (Mis)Adventures of a College Book Addict said...

I think I would be a full english major (as opposed to double majoring) and study somewhere in Europe. Maybe Ireland.

marian said...

i would go to the same college i'm at now and i would major in creative writing

Bekka said...

I don't know where I'd go, but I would love to go to veterinary school.


DANIELA said...

I'd probably study the same: business administration

dany7578 at hotmail dot com

Karen said...

University of Florida and I'd still major in Education!

kpuleski at gmail dot com

Anonymous said...

If I got a do-over, I would still attend my current university and take kinesiology. :)

-Debbie W.

kai (amaterasu) said...

I'd love to study abroad! And finally get a degree in journalism or something to do with the arts :)

Alyce said...

I would major in anthropology and go to NYU. In reality I went to the University of Oregon and majored in Linguistics.

Jerz Bookish Nerd said...

i would go to penn state and major in psychology.

Judy said...

I don't know what college i would pick, but it would be one that was known for Computering. I would like to know how these things work and be able to fix my own or at least know what the thing was doing when acting up:(


Michele said...

I would go to East Carolina University and major in construction management (because HOW COOL is operating heavy equipment?) and maybe a double major in English, because I'd get a Library Science degree from UNC
rlawrence110 at yahoo dot com

Sophia said...

I'd like to go to Rice University. But I'd want to major in English, so I'd probably go to a different college. Haha, thanks for the giveaway!



Mia J. said...

I would do what I already did. I would study early childhood education at CSU, Chico.

mia at jacobsracing dot com

hedgerhousehold said...

Not sure where I would go but I would major in software/database and make it big in the dot com boom.
jenhedger at hotmail dot com

Janelle said...

I would study Art Therapy at NYU!
Best wishes and thanks for a chance to win this fantabulous giveaway!

Amber Elise said...

Hmm. If I could go back I would make myself do more while I was in France. It was such an amazing opportunity and I don't feel as though I took advantage of it.

Kati R said...

Thanks for the giveaway!

I'd be a photography major. There's just something appealing about taking photos especially at weddings. Or shooting gorgeous models. :)

Kati R
romancingrakes at gmaildotcom

Barbara said...

I never went to college. So, if I had a do-over...I'd have packed up my car and drove it to California! I have family there, so it's not like I would have been totally alone. As for what I would have studied...I don't know. Something that would have gotten me into the schools, churchs, daycare centers, hospitals, senior citizen care centers,, that I could read to them. Really read to them...capture their attention, cause them to loose themselve in the story. Maybe some acting and/or storytelling classes?

elin said...

I would major in nursing.

Ceri said...

Hello, I would do an English Literature degree and might try to become a teacher. Ceri

Alicia said...

I would've started writing sooner and majored in something writing or creative related.

Llehn said...

I would study early childhood development.

Aline Tobing said...

If I get a do over in life, I would like to major in Law, instead of English :D

Thanks for the giveaway ^_^


FairyWhispers said...

will like this so much!



nat_isabel said...

Since I am just applying to university I am facing the same dilemma. Though I don't have an all expenses paid thing going on. I would study animal science (Zoology) and go into animal conservation. I would love it if I could do that for real, but alas, no...

Thanks for the opportunity!!!

Have a good one.


Butter said...

If I'd get a do over I think I'd still choose to study International Business Management (which I hopefully get to do after graduating in March #finger'scrossed) and if money wouldn't be a problem I'd be able to move to the U.S right after graduating :D
Thanks for making this international

Mary Preston said...

I'm not sure I would want to change where I went or my Major. My life turned out well.


Sarika Patkotwar said...

I would major in Politics and International Relations from London University.

Clarissa (Bookadicea) said...

Your question suits me because I just graduated from high school and my first year of college is starting. But I would still go for the State University I go now and I would still choose Civil Engineering as my course, I really like it. Right now, it feels like I'm living my dreams. :)

Thanks for this giveaway! :)


-Riz B.

Donna said...

My do-over? I would go to Oxford University and study archeology.

Amanda said...

I'm back in college now but if I could do it directly after high school again I probably would have fine into the army like the recruiter was trying to get me to. Could have done anything I picked a my field. Now going for environmental health.

Olivia said...

I would do an arts degree and study Linguistics and History.

Alexa said...

I'd major in art.:) Probably graphic design or something like that!
Thank you for the giveaway

bookaholic said...

That would definitely be English!
Thanks so much for the giveaway!

Lisa said...

I would go to Oxford and study English Lit. Sounds fab!


1grown2togo said...

I'd probably go to school for veterinarian medicine. My love for all animals is overwhelming to my friends & family & it would be even greater if I had the means to do more :-)

Mona said...

I would not be an accountant. I would go to UW- Madison so I could experience dorm and then on-campus living in my own place.

I would major in Psychology.

ikkinlala said...

I wouldn't change what I did, so I'm going to UNBC and my major is math.

I'd probably change my minor, though.

ikkinlala AT yahoo DOT ca

Kulsuma said...

I would do Art at Oxford University.

Bookish in a Box said...

I was lucky enough to land in the right major for me so I wouldn't change anything. But if I could add the stipulation that I knew I would be gainfully employed after college, I'd be an English major with an emphasis on publication. Collegiate preparation for authorhood. :-)

Kasumi said...

This time I'll prepare competitive exams to have a sure work. I hate this crisis!!!

Sorry, this is a hard question for me :-(

Life's Simple Pleasures said...

Probably English, linguistics and acting!! Fun stuff, although i don't know if i will be good in them

reviewsbyabby at gmail dot com

Jane said...

I'd major in art and mythology.

Ruth said...

I would go to Julliard and pursue my career in music.

LoveOfBooks said...

After getting my psychology degree, I wish I would've became a CPA

sablelexi said...

It's hard to say. I would still go to the same university, but I love this school, and if I hadn't come here I never would have met my man. I may go into education from the start, but I don't know. I love all my zoology classes, a lot.
Jennelle S

Coranne said...

Library science or Art instead of Education....

cjabdelnour said...

I do over at MTU and get into nursing. Cheryl

Alisia said...

i would go over seas to study if i could.

Anonymous said...

That is a good question; I'll be graduating high school soon, so I need to think about the choices I have to make for my future. Before, I wanted to major in English: Creative writing since I love reading so much I wanted to write as well too. But recently...watching this movie, Rise of the Planet Apes...I want to help those animals, the ones who are used as experiments...I want to save them from those kinds of people. I just hope I can be strong enough to.



Anonymous said...

That is a good question; I'll be graduating high school soon, so I need to think about the choices I have to make for my future. Before, I wanted to major in English: Creative writing since I love reading so much I wanted to write as well too. But recently...watching this movie, Rise of the Planet Apes...I want to help those animals, the ones who are used as experiments...I want to save them from those kinds of people. I just hope I can be strong enough too.

The college...I'd like to go somewhere away from home. Maybe travel, explore places I've never been to before. That would be...the most amazing experience I would ever have.



Ricki said...

I think I would do either accounting or editing. No clue where, though.

Unknown said...

i would go to brown for literature

hancoci_s at msn dot com

stacy hancock

Luckywings said...

I would try to gets all of the degrees that I would need to be a Science, History, or Rdg/Lang Teacher for 5th graders.

ann said...

I would major in Law

amhengst at verizon dot net

Jude Henderson said...

I'd go to New York and study film!! I'd LOOOOVE to get to study there. I love directing ^^

Thanks for the Giveaway :D

Anonymous said...

I already undergraduated in Chemistry but If I had to go to college again I would love to study Veterinary Medicine to take care of the animals lol


June M. said...

I would choose something medical or in business instead of teaching. I got a degree in elementary education but never found a position because they have been cutting teachers around here. Now, I don't think I would want to do this anyway. Got frustrated and disappointed and I just don't think it is something I would want to do now.

jcwega27 said...

scad for film

Alison said...

I would major in Business management at Kansas University!

Sherry said...

If I got a do-over I would go to the University of Kentucky and would study something in the computer field.

Anonymous said...

I would go to Brown and study Anthropology.

supaflychikenpi2 AT gmail DOT com

AmyS. said...

If I had a do over I would defiantly go to college. I never went and I regret it. My major would be Arts/Literature.

TheReadingOwl said...

I honestly don't know what my major would be. I'm still trying to figure out what I really want.

Clary said...

I would major in Library Science. I have an English degree but I would love to have this one as well. =)

Jasmine1485 said...

I'm actually at uni now and doing what I want to do - nutrition. The only thing I would change is maybe more of a journalistic focus, as I'd like to be a food writer eventually.

zoey said...

I'm not sure about college, but I'd probably choose Spanish-German as my major, because after books these are my biggest interrests

Anonymous said...

I think I'd go with Journalism.
paramourbeat at gmail dot com

Janhvi said...

I am currently doing Engineering in Electronics and Communication.

justjanhvi at gmail dot com

Cherry said...

Given the circumstances I probably will make the same choices I did then. I'd become a nurse all over again :)

Cherry Mischievous

Anonymous said...

If I had to do it over again I'd pick a career and stick with it, I didn't find a direction until I was 30 and changed careers 2-3 times.

I don't know if I'd go to college, at this time it seems that most college degrees aren't worth the money.

Juana said...

I would go to The University Of Texas (UTB) and would study to become a nurse.


Nakoya said...

If I got a do-over I would major in English and/or Computer Science. Would want to go to Columbia.

Kiki said...

I am going to Purdue University Calumet because it is an amazing school. I am going to major in everything and anything they offer! I love learning and if money wasn't an object, I would have so many majors! :D


Kayla :) said...

Actually, that's what I'll be doing next year....And I have no idea at the moment. x.x Either Education, English, or Creative Writing. xD
Thanks for the giveaway!

Jen said...

I would do it all the same. I would go to BYU and major in archaeology. But I would take a few more electives in economics and poli sci...and writing.

Unknown said...

I'll go to University of Florida, Veterinary Medicine ^_^

I love animals XD

Kiery said...

I would definitely still do Food Sci at the same college but maybe double in business??

ashley said...

I wish I could do my first year of college over and take things seriously!

AshleyS said...

I would go to school for Child Psychology and it would be somewhere warm and tropical!

Anonymous said...

I would actually go to the same university (Iowa State University), but I would have double majored in public relations and business.

Krysykat said...

I'd go for Computer Software Engineers at OSU. said...

I'm 44, so my do-over would be to go to Yale and Major in English!! Then I would become a Best Selling Author!!
Although, that doesn't mean I can't write a book one of these days and have it become a Best Seller now! Right? Right!!
Thanks for the fun! And the giveaway!
Laurie Carlson
laurieisreading at gmail dot com

AEKZ2 said...

I'd like to go to school in Washington state and major in archaeology.

donnas said...

Communications at Univ of Chicago

Christine A. said...

I would love to have gotten into Forensic science and other areas so I could work for the FBI.

Christine A. said...

I would love to have gotten involved in Forensic Science and other areas so that I could be involved with the FBI.

Adriana C said...

I think I would go to the same university and study the same.

Unknown said...

I would be doing something with cooking ~

Ollie said...

I would study film and public relations in Southern California.

I'm a GFC follower.

Thanks for this giveaway!

Ollie aka DarkBloodyVamp

Steph from said...

It depends on whether I had a trust fund or had won the lottery or not
I would go somewhere far from where I was raised and major in something that requires the presence of the person in the area I wished to live. Occupational or physical therapy, phlebotomy, radiology tech. Or business and then work in property management. If I had a trust fund I would major in art. GFC: steph from
site:<a href="”)> Fangs, Wands and Fairy Dust</a>
Twitter @fangswandsfairy

Unknown said...

Any university to study theatre & acting :)

Lindsay Cummings author said...

thanks for the giveaway!! :)
i'd get my MFA and go somewhere in portland, oregon. :)

americangirlie1991 at yahoo dot com

happy labor day too! :)

JHS said...

I would audition for Julliard, the Berkley School of Music, and all the other top music schools. I would major in flute and piano performance & then go out and eke out a living as a musician, as much as possible, confident that the rent would be paid and there would be food on the table. I would be young, single & unencumbered, able to travel to the best gigs no matter where they were.

Ah . . . a sweet fantasy.


jhsmail at comcast dot net

Michelle said...

I'm majoring in Public Health at UC Berkely!

Becca said...

I would major in English or Math instead of Business. I think I would go to a UC instead of a CU. Thanks! sbcashortie at hotmail dot com

Sarah M said...

I would major in accounting. I'm there now, but it took a couple extra years.

Alexandria said...

If I got to do it over I would major in English or psychology (again!), or something to do with literature. I love reading and writing. I would probably stay at my school though because I loved my experience at Ohio State. or maybe I would go out of state because I want to live out of state for a while!
Thanks for the giveaway! GFC: Alexandria
email: alexandriatheo AT gmail DOT com

Krystal Larson said...

I would change my major to biochemistry and I would be just entering med school-did the latter though :)

Unknown said...

I would study abroad as much as I possibly could! Either major in library science or psychology. I want to attend TCU

Spav said...

I would major in marine biology.

Literary Winner said...

I'd be at a better school double majoring in psychology and marketing. I fell into advertising by accident and find it to be fascinating!

Maggie at tethered mommy dot com

Jennifer Mathis said...

web design

SarahSparrow said...

Also imagining that my local college had a Library Science program, I would be going there for that. I love where I live, and I don't want to leave.

Thanks for the giveaway!

Ivana said...

Thanks for the giveaway.
If I had the choice, I would like to study film production or theatre.


Unknown said...

I would become a Doctor and try harder to be on my own and make a career my #1 priority.


Anonymous said...

I'd choose the same major I chose 4 years ago - speech pathology. I love the field!

Thanks for the giveaway!


Danah said...

I would probably change my major to engineering or major in arts.

Lauren said...

I would would try to get my degree to be a librarian. Instead, I'm stuck with a business degree!

IandSsmom said...

I would have gotten my RN straight out so some 4 year college to get my RN. I'm a LPN now and hate to think of going back to school for my RN which I will!
Shannon Johnson

TiDubb said...

I would still go to the same college I graduated from because it is so close to home: Prairie View A&M. I would major in Spanish and then live abroad (Spain) to immerse myself in the culture. Great question.


Anonymous said...

I would love to major in creative writing from NYU. I have always wanted to live in New York and to be able to write would be amazing!


Karli said...

I would go to a university in one of the southern states by the coast, major in either Psychology or Marine Biology, and minor in creative writing. :)

Trista Siegel said...

When it was time decide what I wanted to do with my life I didn't realize that I wanted to be a writer. So I would like to go back and realize that and go to school for writing or english. Those general type of classes.


Aydrea said...

I would switch to a smaller school and get a degree in legal studies.

BrittanyGale said...

If I could do everything over again, I probably still wouldn't go to college/university. Even if I had a do-over, I'd still be me. :P The most important thing to me would be starting a family and taking care of them. That's all I've ever really wanted.


BrittanyGale said...

Didn't see where it said I had to leave my e-mail address in my comment, so here it is:


Vanessa Malise said...

I would go to the Royal College of Music and major in Performance and Vocal studies.


brendajean said...

I would still attend BYU but I would love some criminal investigation. After Bones and CSI I am fascinated by that stuff!

engelsigh said...

My first year of college I was an Art History major. I went to school for 2 years, and then I took a break and now I'm majoring in Social Work and Criminal Justice. I don't know that I would change anything, because if I hadn't taken a break, a lot of things in my life wouldn't be where they are now. If I did go back and change things, I think I would have saved money and traveled Europe when I was 18 before going to school.

Lmbrunken said...

I. Would go to school and earn a masters in education.

Wolfswan1 said...

I would go for engineering, more likely than not it would be chemical engineering.

Janice said...

I would go to Oxford and major in either history - medieval or Reformation or English.

Sarah the Hobbit said...

I would probably major in counseling and go into doing trauma therapy for kids.

Anita said...

If I got a do-over I'd probably major in English/Literature and teach in a High School.

Jaedia @ The Dragon Chronicle said...

I would go and do what I originally planned. I would be going to Bath Spa Uni which is a beautiful campus and hell, Bath?! Yes please! And I'd study English Literature.

jaedia at live dot co dot uk

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